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FLASH NEWS: Legal Infanticide?

  • Bill AB2223 has PASSED in an astonishing 11-3 vote by the California Health Committee.
  • Yes, this bill really does allow for mothers or abortionists to murder infants up to 28 days of age with IMPUNITY.
  • "WHAT CAN I DO?": Pray! There is still time for hearts to be changed before the bill is officially brought into law. 


As hard as it is for us to fathom the mere consideration of this bill being passed, it has already made it through the CA Health Committee in a vote of 11-3. How did we get here? Let's break down the facts of CA Bill AB2223.

Buffy Wicks, the California state assemblywoman behind this bill, unintentionally found herself semi-viral nearly two years ago, when she delivered a passionate speech and a vote on the legislative floor- while holding her newborn baby girl, who was less than a month old at the time. "An image of mothers who do it all", the internet started buzzing. She was looked to as an inspiration for working moms who love their children to no end. Fast forward to this week, as the very bill she authored, legalizing infanticide across the state of California, was brought to the same legislative floor for vote.

Does this bill really allow for the killing of babies already born? Yes. Section 123467a reads, "..a person shall not be subject to civil or criminal liability or penalty, or otherwise deprived of their rights under this article, based on their actions or omissions with respect to their pregnancy or actual, potential, or alleged pregnancy outcome, including miscarriage, stillbirth, or abortion, or perinatal death due to a pregnancy-related cause.." (You can read the full bill here.)

While the whole bill is 100% supportive of abortions at any point for any reason, the part we really take to heart is the inclusion of "perinatal death". Perinatal, not defined otherwise in this bill, is scientifically defined as a newborn that is up to 28 days of age. This bill will allow for a mother or an abortionist to murder a living, breathing, newborn baby with absolutely no criminal punishment. The bill even gives permission for a woman to sue any law enforcement agency for investigating her "pregnancy outcome"- even if her week old baby is found left for dead in a dumpster. A "pregnancy-related cause", as mentioned in the bill, could be defined as a failed abortion. This means a woman can attempt to abort her baby, and if it fails and the baby is born healthy and alive, she or her abortionist can then kill the newborn child without any punishment whatsoever.

Before the vote, Dr. Vansen Huang, OBGYN of 30+ years, spoke out in opposition: "A yes vote is an unequivocal and complete approval of a legalized killing of a newborn baby, and with all of my heart, I oppose AB 2223 and urge you to vote 'no'" (You can watch here.) Dr Huang's expert medical opinion was ignored by legislators.

This bill is absolutely heinous and insulting to the lives of Californians. A politician's perceived value of life should have no bearings on whether or not a precious, innocent baby can survive their first month on earth. All that comes to mind while writing this is one of Jesus's last phrases spoken before His crucifixion-  “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” (Luke 23:34 ESV). Please, Lord, transform the hearts of the people you have put in power. Reveal to them the truth of the evil that they are about to unleash.

If this puts a righteous anger inside of your heart- GOOD. The Bible calls us to speak up for those who can't speak for themselves. It is our duty while we are here on earth to be the salt and the light, even in these darkest of times.

What You Can Do: 1. PRAY! This bill still has to be brought before the Assembly Appropriations Committee and the Senate before it is official. At the time of writing this article, it is only at 25% progression (you can track the bill's status live, here). 2. STAND UP! Shop our Pro-Life collection and proudly wear your beliefs. Purchase with confidence, knowing 100% of profits go right back into supporting life. 3. VOTE: If you are in California, find your state legislator and tell them to vote NO on AB 2223:


2 Responses



December 06, 2022

So glad I found you and look forward to supporting this company and what it stands for.



April 22, 2022

Thank you for what you’re doing! You’re making a difference! Thank you for speaking up when you know some will turn away! The TRUTH of Jesus must be heard! God make us hungry for YOU!

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