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Resting in Him - 10% Off Code In Post!

Our hearts are restless until they rest in Him. -Augustine

 Anyone else excited that they can now wear this emblazoned across their chest as not only encouragement to our brothers and sisters in Christ but as a reminder to ourselves too?! Oh how we strive! The pressure to do it all seems to be increasing and along with it the expectation to showcase it all just right with those perfect filters on our photos as proof that we actually pulled it off, and effortlessly! Oh brother! We can’t do anything right it seems! That is certainly cause for a restless heart. If we can prove to the world we are good enough, pretty enough, smart enough, or even Christian enough, is so overwhelming at times. But I’m going to challenge you right now to imagine the depth of the love God has for you. Really, take the time and consider the weight Jesus carried on your behalf when He suffered a cruel death on the cross. Now tell me that there is ANYTHING in this world worth striving for other than giving glory to our Savior. Oh if that feeling of freedom weren’t so fleeting the next time we scrolled through Facebook or flipped through the latest fashion or home magazine! Is there a way to rage against this vortex of expectations set before us? Of course, It’s called diligence! When we feel restlessness creeping into our hearts we have to be diligent to run to the cross for peace and rest in the love and safety of our Father in Heaven! We have to be intentional with speaking these truths to one another in fellowship. Practice comparing the things the world says are worth your time and effort against the light and joy of eternity and I’m sure you will find it easier to truly find rest in the unmerited favor of Jesus Christ.

We put verses and sayings on our walls, let’s wear them, too! The new shirts, like the new sweatshirt with the Augustine quote on it, are out now! These new styles are amazing, you’ll want to add them all to your Christmas list!

Right now through Wednesday, November 27, get 10% off with the code HOPERISING10. Get one for yourself and one for a friend for Christmas and remember to tell them the purchase of their gift is helping moms make the best choices for their precious babies!

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