Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth. 1John 3:18
There is so much we can say to express our hearts and the pain we feel watching the lives of babies being ended by the hands of those meant to hold them in their arms. But we can’t stop there. Yes we need to teach others the truth about what’s really going on in the name of choice and rights, but let’s not forget the boots on the ground all around the country that need our support! Here at Hope Outfitters when you show support by shopping, you are also aiding groups like Embrace Grace and And Then There Were None (ATTWN) with funds to continue their life changing ministries through our Buy 1 Give 100 model! As a thank you for your support, Hope Outfitters is offering 25% off this Black Friday online and in stores! So get comfy on the couch or make your way in with a friend or two, and give the gift of hope to more than those on your Christmas list! Thank you for partnering with Hope Outfitters for His glory, and we will see you on Friday!
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